Thursday, March 27, 2014


Lots of photos, not many words today...
I finished the picnic rug that I started um, forever ago. It's quite wonk-a-riffic and my machine quilting is terrible but better finished than not! Just in time for autumn which is, to be honest, one of the more picnic-friendly seasons hereabouts. Besides, we now have LAWN! We always thought we were crap lawn gardeners but it turns out that since the neighbours had their two massive scary overhanging eucalypts removed, things actually grow. And look green. With not a lot of effort. So we have been picnicking on the picnic rug on the lawn in front of the chickens under the blue sky and it has been rather nice.
Which makes it sound like the pace is all relaxed around here which indeed it never is. Need more hours in every day. (Or maybe every night.) But we're working, working, working towards a 3-week holiday soon which is quite exciting.
And here's what our single baby chick looks like at 2 weeks old. It has quite a strong sense of self-importance as an only child of two extremely attentive mothers!

- Jane x


  1. What an idyllic life. How wonderful to sit on that handsome picnic rug under a blue sky with the chickens for company - and a stuck pig. You even have bunting in your garden!

    1. Yes - bunting - a bit twee but a good use for scraps!

  2. Its like the Good Life, with tasteful fabric.

  3. It looks lovely, nice lazy days over at yours (I'll ignore the working hard bit and just imagine you're already on holiday). We're just coming into spring here, but the frost and rain has returned in recent days and it feels like picnic weather is still a long way off. Love your Felicity Kendall reply above, I grew up watching The Good Life, they repeat it regularly here....oddly, as I've got older I've become rather fond of Margo! Bethx

  4. Love the quilt, the tree swing is hysterical, and I want your brown speckled hen! What breed is she? A fortunate mix?.....

    1. Hi Harriet :) That is Falcon, our Speckled Sussex, not quite laying yet. She's a cheeky one, likes to jump up in the fig tree and eat the fruit. We also have a Light Sussex, same age, who is quite a bit bigger/rounder/fluffier and dare I say of fairly little brain, bottom of the pecking order but likes to chase the pigeons. It will be interesting to see what they are like as layers.


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