Monday, October 28, 2013

pictures of lately

I've been trying to get around to blogging without a lot of success lately - school holidays and general, you know, stuff. So here's a bunch of pictures with a few words. No particular order, just how they came out of iPhoto.

This one turned six. He insists that overnight he became unable to fit into quite a few of his clothes.

I've been learning the basics of grading patterns up in size, because my sister-in-law wanted a Washi Dress and we sure owe her big time for loads of boy-looking-after lately.

Clem had a party with a bunch of little school friends at home. He wanted me to make him a Miffy cake, which I think he may have had every year since he turned one. Dear boy, I would make you a Miffy cake every year as long as I live, if you asked for it.

The party was very, very noisy, except when we offered large bowls of strawberries and blueberries. Seriously. Quieter than cake or honey crackles. Impressive.

Big boys had fun with party balloons.

The baby chicks hatched on the day of Clem's party. Even when this one was just fresh out of the egg I thought something was not right with its eyes.

I am fairly certain it was blind, poor dear. It got along okay huddling under the mamas for a couple of days. Andy gave it a name - Jerome - which was probably asking for trouble. As the other chicks became more adventurous and the mothers walked around with them more, they sensed Jerome was not robust. They turned on him. It was very sad, but quick. I picked him up, held him, Andy made sure he was not suffering and we buried him. Luckily this was when the boys were all at school. We told them what happened but I am glad they did not see it. Life and death in the backyard.
I made this 'Gathering Apron' by Sew Liberated, essentially as a sample for the shop but also because I think it's adorable and I totally want it for myself. It's in natural linen, which really this pattern just begs for. I had plans to do a really corny photoshoot with me wearing it and a bunch of baby chicks peeping out of the big pocket, but it never happened.

The rest of the chicks are thriving. Out of twelve eggs there are six surviving chicks which isn't a great hatch rate, but never mind. We are suspecting we have two roosters and three hens here, and the one that my mum and dad's chook hatched is also a girl (fingers crossed). These photos were taken about a week ago. The chicks are already a whole lot bigger again and have a lot more feather development.

Jumping to grab food from its mum.
Plomp. Look at that little wing! I could watch the chicks just about all day.
This scary, dangerous gum tree that has been overhanging out backyard is in the process of being removed. At long last. Yay. Will think no more of difficult process it has taken to get there.
I found a skink in our laundry. The laundry skink. I love the way they shape themselves to a surface: a rock, a hand. Smooth and slinky, now a garden skink.

Well. That was random, as Jasper would say.

- Jane x


  1. Those balloon guys are hilarious. Loving the colour of the linen used for the apron. It looks so calming. I wonder if it would look as lovely with chocolate handprints and smears all over it. I love aprons, but don't really use them. Leaving any kind of food remnant on an article of clothing for more than a day in the tropics equals a mouldy disaster - blacks stains that never come out. Your chickens are super cute. Thinking I might be able to sneak into your shop Christmas Eve - just for fun (and a break from my relies). My comment was all a bit random too.

  2. I love your random posts - happy birthday to Clem!
    Totally in love with that apron....

  3. I love these posts, it's like catching up with a good friend you haven't seen in a while :) when did Clem grow up, six? Oh my, happy birthday to him. And those chicks? I can hardly stand it!

  4. Interesting to see how you grade the pattern- I had no idea. My sister is called Miffy (her nickname from childhood), so love the cake. That apron is gorgeous too. I guess your shop sells the pattern. Lovely post. I'll have to email you again regarding shop directions from the city because I am coming now. It's all booked. Cx

  5. Miffy cake! How lovely that Clem hasn't grown out of Miffy yet. What a beautiful boy! Happy birthday!

    Poor little chick. :( Nature is so beautiful, but it's certainly not all happy-happy-love-love.

    That apron is gorgeous. I want one and I would wear it to work. People would think I was a little strange, but they could stuff it, because it's just so pretty.

  6. Wow how the chickens sort things out in their very efficient ways!

  7. It's so nice to be updated with all this random goodness (except the little chicky, that's random sadness, but that's life).

  8. I love random goodness. And especially birthday balloons.

  9. That apron is absolutely gorgeous. I think a photo shoot with you wearing it with the chicks would have been cute ;-)

  10. Very happy (belated - sorry!) birthday to Clem, looks like it was a good one. And that apron is fabulous! Bethx


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