Monday, October 14, 2013

fluffy therapy

Mondayitis? Feeling at all glum? Here, have a dose of this sweet, fluffy, cheepy goodness.

Our reliable broody Wyandottes have been sitting on a dozen Sussex eggs, half Light Sussex and half Speckled Sussex. Actually we snuck one egg away after about a week to give to my parents for their own broody Wyandotte, and that successfully hatched yesterday. We have six chicks here so far (as far as I can tell). Some eggs still unhatched and the mothers are sitting tight so we will give them another day or so.
There is hardly anything more adorable in the entire world, I think, and I can't keep my hands off them. Cheep cheep!

- Jane xx


  1. Oh my, now I need more chicks! Peep!

  2. Sweet little chicks! How do your hens act when they hatch?

    1. They are extremely good mothers, it's gorgeous to watch. They tuck the babies back underneath them, and after a while show them what to eat and drink, and how to scratch in the dirt, while making soft clucking noises, calling to them letting them know to come for some food. The term 'mother hen' really makes sense!

    2. Oh my gosh, if there is one thing more touching than a beautiful baby, it is a devoted mother! :swoon

  3. What a lovely thing to see on a Monday morning; they're adorable. I find it very easy to waste time just watching chicks.

  4. Oh my gosh - they are so fluffy and adorable. Too cute!!

  5. The tender expressions on your boys' faces. So lovely.

  6. Your wyandottes are so beautiful! I miss having chickens! Renting sucks for that.

  7. Soo cute. I hope they are thriving. T


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